Beat III Greene County Water System has adopted a Leak Protection Policy. The policy is being provided by ServLine. ServLine will be mailing our customers a brochure about the policy. The cost of for this $2500.00 policy will be $1.85 each month for 3/4" residential meters. The cost for commercial meters and 1" meters and above meters is $5.00 each month.
If you have a leak and wish to use the Leak Protection Policy, you will be required to pay your average monthly bill and the Leak Protection Policy will pay the rest of the amount to Beat III Greene County Water System. This policy can be used once every 12 months. The cost will be $1.85 or $5.00 depending on size of meter.
If you opt-out of taking this policy and you have a leak, you will be responsible for the full amount of the bill.
If you wish to opt back in to the policy after you have opted-out of the coverage, there will be a 30 day waiting period for your coverage to take effect.